Fugro is an active participant in the “Remote Intelligent Geotechnical Seabed Survey” (RIGSS) JIP, which is currently underway at the University of Western Australia (UWA). The primary objective of the RIGSS JIP is to develop innovative site investigation tools that enable more accurate and reliable understanding of soil behaviour at, and immediately, below seabed. The three “visions” of the JIP are:
- Develop a remote SI platform, with robotic control of intelligent tools that target the soil behavioural properties required by designers.
- Produce earlier and more reliable geotechnical definition for projects; leading to reduced uncertainty and risk, and therefore more optimised designs.
- Develop direct geotechnical design methodologies, i.e. development of pipeline and foundation design methods that incorporate in-situ measurements directly.
For more information, please visit: http://www.rigssjip.com/